I have been spinning quite a bit.
I spun up the 2.3 ounces of Pygora straight from the box with no carding and made a 2 ply fingering weight yarn but only managed to get 150 yards. Should I try to buy some more from the same goat?

I've been spinning up yarn on my Ashford and plying them on my Babe. I've been doing alot of 3 ply and I love them..such a fat, round yarn! I'm enchanted.
Here's some merino:

I've also been spinning up some Brown Sheep mills scraps I bought from Carol Lee at sheepshedstudio.com . I had 2 pounds and gave a little bit away to new spinners because it seems a easy fiber to spin. I've been working on spinning that up into a 3ply but it really just looks so ordinary that I'm not too enthused.

I'm also spinning up some beautiful, so very soft llama that I bought from the Bellwether last year. It's from a llama named Fanfare. The yarn is definitely going to have some texture. I haven't decide whether to do a 2 ply or a 3.

Sadly, my plan to schedule my knitting so I could finish up the lace stole fell flat on its face the first day. I made myself knit and ended up ripping out 20 rows to fix my mistkes! I am now accepting the fact that this is a long project and that it's okay for me to start a sweater but not okay to start a large lace project until I finish the stole. Lace scarves are permissable though.
Which reminds me.... I filled up my frequent buyer card at Weaving Works and got 20 dollars store credit. Yay! I bought Traditional Lace Shawls. This is a great book.

I also made up a little hat from some Lambswool/Angora yarn for the Dulaan Project. I found the yarn at Goodwill and thought it would make a warm hat.

My weaving class has ended. My towels are off the loom and ready for the wash after I weave in the ends I forgot to do while weaving. As you can see, the cat jumped in for a pose.

I'm convinced that animals (though especially cats) just love things you make with your hands. My cat would just cuddle up to the loom and purr. If I drape anything handspun, handwoven or handknitted over her, she becomes extremely content. I think the animals just love our chi.
When I first saw Cat Bordhi book, I thought knitting and felting a cat bed was alot of work for nothing very special. Now, I've revised my opinion and plan on eventually making one. At least I hope to.......I'm not really getting much knitting done.

Although my class has ended, My teacher is allowing me to keep the rented loom for a couple of months. I want to complete at least one project. I have quite a bit of weaving yarn around here. I've been picking it up at thrift stores. Dye might figure into the project as well. I have no experience in planning and executing a project so this will be a blind venture....I'm looking forward to it.
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