I started spinning without thinking about what it would be. Worsted spinning is very much like a meditative act for me. I just wanted to spin. I didn't want to plan. I loved the colors and the yarn. I wanted to preserve the color sequence and since I didn't split the roving to insure the color changes would be visible after plying, I was left with 2 choices. I could navajo ply but I'd end up with a thicker yarn and probably not enough yardage to do anything with or I could use the yarn as is-unplied. I had heard that it is not necessary to have a balanced yarn to knit lace because it is blocked into shape each time it's washed so I went for that.
This will be a long term project. Lace is very rythmic and pleasant to knit but time consuming! I do like and look forward to seeing the end result. I'm realistically thinking the fall because I will not be working solely on this.
My sweater made from handspun singles is waiting for its collar. I haven't wanted to think too much lately and the sweater is getting a shawl collar. I have an eye injury that though not serious is long lasting and very wearing.
I spun the yarn so that there would be large blocks of color but I forgot that the sweater body would be worked in the round to get some symmetry with the color. The stripes are more narrow than I wanted though the sleeves are more what I wanted. I think the different widths of color band will work. I might have to pull it together with patch pockets.
I realized after I finished the sleeves that I could have easily made the color repeats longer on the body if I had just broken off the yarn and mixed and matched as one does anyway with stripes. I had this one vision of knitting the sweeater skein after skein without breaking off the yarn. I kept that vision even when I wasn't getting exactly what I wanted but I do think it will all work out fine.
I love doing these sweaters with bulky singles. I will do more of these. They are quick to spin and knit!
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