The day after the storm, I was looking on the bright side of things and went outside to collect moss and lichens. It wasn't hard. They were right there, everywhere I looked. I didn't even venture into the woods.

My plan was to sort. I want to get them grouped and identified and then start seeing what colors they'll yield.
But I got nothing done during the cold, dark days except a little spinning. A week's work! This is what I usually get done in an evening without really trying.

I did learn a little bit about slowing down. Not that I'm very profilic in the spinning and knitting areas but I do get sort of driven. I'm hoping to bring a bit of the wound down, relaxed attitude back into my life again.
I brought home the bulky attachment last week for the Babe minus 2 of the bobbins. I went by to pick them up and bought 2 pounds of a Churro blend that was on offer. I had sampled a bit and liked it. Very different from anything I've ever spun or thought I would spin. I'm pleased with it. I was contemplating knitting something basketlike.

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