I took my plied yarn and knit up a Dulaan hat. I kind of winged it on the pattern...meaning I just went ahead and made it. I ended up with a very elf like top which I think comes from continuing to knit one decrease row followed by a plain knit row even at the very tip of the crown. My first Dulaan hat aand I tried to concentrate on warmth. I will make another for sure.
I love using my handspun for stuff like this too. This wool was merino but it sure felt like cotton. It was springy and all but for some reason it felt cottony to my hand. I'm wondering if it's the plying method I used. I've used this superwash merino 64 before but it felt more wooly to me. I don't have any complaints about the way it feels. It's just kind of shocking. I have to keep reminding myself it's wool. I'm afraid the Dulaan people will think it's cotton so I want to mark it with a tag "superwash wool".

Oh, the dyed cotton roving. It's more vibrant than in the photo but it still strangely resembles the aenemic stuff I dyed months ago. Could this be because I have a limited selection of Procion dyes?

I picked up a copy of Learning To Weave for a weaving class that begins on Monday. For months I've been looking at my bobbins of handspun and wanting to weave with them. Weaving completely confuses me. I know it can't be that difficult but everytime I pick up a beginning weaving book, I get lost immediately. I even watched an introduction to weaving video and didn't pick up much either. Since the book focuses on using a 4 shaft loom, I imagine that that's what we'll be using in the class. I do have a rigid heddle and a backstrap loom in addition to a small tapestry loom. I think the class might demystify those for me. Or at least I'm hoping. I do have a small weaving library already. I've picked up books over the past year on book hunts. Maybe after this class, they'll be more intelligible.
I really enjoy learning new things but it's only fun if there's already basic information for the new bits to attatch to. Going in cold is necessary sometimes but no fun.
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