I've been practicing my navajo plying and I am getting better slowly but not fast enough to feel good about my results. I'm also trying to spin thicker yarn and I'm ending up with small overspun spots. Arggh! The navajo plying is giving me an almost balanced yarn but unfortunately the last skein I plied seems to need more z twist. I have a long way to go in learning this technique.
My plan is to keep spinning and make some hats or something for the Dulaan Project.
The hat is almost done! Now I just have to figure out how to make earflaps.

And I finally redyed the failed cotton. Doesn't it look like something was disemboweled?

It's been rinsed and is drying now. It seems to have come out okay. It's certainly not beautiful but I'll spin it up and see how it looks on the bobbin.
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